Welcome to Answer the Call with me, Emily Gallagher!

This is my new podcast, and I am so excited you are here.

Tangible, actionable, tools, insights and behind the scenes & success stories from world changers, entrepreneurs, experts and thought leaders as they share with me, Emily Gallagher, entrepreneur, humanitarian, and founder of business coaching company Conscious Boss, how and when they answered the call in their life, that has led them to success, and how you can too. 

What is the call you may ask?

You know that feeling you get when you’re inspired, moved, curious, or even frustrated?

That feeling inside telling you there's more to life than what you’re experiencing?

Maybe it’s a business you want to start, a mission that's on your heart, a legacy you want to leave, or relationships you’re wanting to amplify.

Whatever it is, I believe those feelings inside are part of our calling, and our duty is to answer those calls. And, that’s not always easy right?

So jump in and join us for strategies on how you can answer the call in your life. 

I’m dropping new episodes every Wednesday, pacific time and I can’t wait for you to hear these conversations.


And anywhere else you love to listen to podcasts!

To spread the word, share the goodness, and help more people answer THEIR call, it would mean the world to me if you would leave me some feedback in Apple Podcasts - just rate and review and then send a screenshot to podcast@consciousboss.com and we will send you $600 of business building treats to help you building your business ( #teamwork)!

As always, I’m listening to your feedback and using it to make this show the best it can be for you.